REPOST! Episode 1 – The Last Shot

In an attempt to bring the RSS feed back to life and give you a refresh before we start recording again, please take a listen to this very first episode of our show! Little did we know how prescient this episode would be not long after we made it.

In our inaugural episode we explain how we came to be in the business of pitching movies to our benefactor/enslaver TJ Moneybags, Esq to possibly fund for production and then we weave you the tale of The Last Shot a movie that we believe will play well to not only doomsday prepping anti-vaxxer maniacs but their children as well, assuming they live to young adult age, of course. Thank you for listening and join us every Monday for more film genius!

Published by Justin

One of the indentured servants of an insane billionaire doomed to pitch movies for eternity.